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3 Ways to Conquer Loneliness in Your Community

3 Ways to Conquer Loneliness in Your Community

Loneliness is a crippling reality of our social situation. People not only are cut off from the availability of in person meetings with friends and family, but at the same time are facing a feeling of loss of purpose. As people lose their jobs and go on government support there has never been a time where alleviating loneliness in our world is more important. So how can your church respond? Here are 3 ways your church can help to support your community in feeling connection.

Youth Isn't Cancelled

Youth Isn't Cancelled

We are faced with a challenge at the moment with the COVID-19 virus for sure. You cannot meet and probably should not meet in person. But the fact is we are facing a real opportunity to leverage tools that maybe we have hardly considered to this point. So while you cannot plan a event as normal, your church continues on. We have always been more than a gathering. Here are 3 practical tools you can use to keep the ministry thriving as well as ever during this pandemic and social distancing.